Welcome To My Homepage

Barbara Davies Welcome to my website. On these web pages you will find information about my healing services as well as a few interesting links. Feel free to browse. If you have any questions, check the contact page for my contact info. I have an occasional blog at Blogspot.com. I also have another website, Heartsong Publications, which carries information regarding my books, Meleeah of Lemuria and Cedric, the Silliest Dragon, now available on Amazon.com.

Thank you!


Butterfly Separater
Note: The content of this website is copyrighted. Therefore, if you want to use any of the content of this website, you must receive my written permission. And, in the interest of fair play, if any of the graphics I have used in this website are yours and you'd like me to remove them, let me know and I will do so immediately. If you don't mind if I use them but would simply like credit for your picture, let me know. I intend to honor your "universal copyright" as well as your legal one, and I trust you will do the same. Thank you!